Tub Rack Base

Are you looking for a Tub or Tray solution? Look no further, Custom Outfitters offer Universal Ute Tub Racks which is an incredible ute storage upgrade with all the features and quality campers, 4WDers, tradespeople and outdoor adventurers need, at a price that leaves the competition in its dust.
This is the ideal solution to adding extra storage capabilities to your ute, without having to fork out thousands of dollars for a canopy.
Custom Outfitters also offers Manual and Electric Roller Shutters for your 4×4 Tub. We supply and install in-house the Black Venom Roller shutters, they come with a high-end finish, anodized black, 96% waterproof & dust sealed. The roller shutter slats are made with full aluminium extrusions so it’ll make it very hard to break into. The roller cover has high water resistance. Water runs to both sides of the Cover and is collected in the channels of the side panels, and then drains away down four drain tubes that are installed internally.
In the world of 4×4 and offroading, outdoor adventures, you’d be wanting to equip your 4×4 vehicles with the right accessories. Among these accessories, the 4×4 tub rack stands out as a versatile and essential tool for enthusiasts. From providing additional storage space to enhancing the functionality of your vehicle.
Features and reasons why you should get a tub rack base kit.
Custom Outfitters offers 4×4 Tub Rack Base Kits to suit wide range of vehicles including Next Gen Ford Ranger, Raptor, Toyota Hilux, Nissan Navara, Isuzu Dmax, Mazda BT50 and many more.
Most tub racks that are out in the market are made from either steel or aluminium construction, these racks are built to withstand the rigors of offroad terrain and adverse weather conditions. Most tub rack base kits features a modular and square design, allowing for easy installation and you’re even able to adjust the heights and lengths of the tub rack kits.
Additionally, most tub racks come with built in tie downs points or accessories mounting options allowing end users to secure their gear safely and efficiently.
Added options: Ever think of putting a roof top tent? Now you have a reason to purchase a tub rack base kit. This gives the supported weight to install a roof top tent and you can sleep ontop of the tub rack. Many 4×4 tub racks are designed to accommodate roof top tents providing a stable and secure platform which elevates sleeping quarters above the ground. Other reasons to get a tub rack would be mounting bicycles to surfboards and skis allowing enthusiasts to explore new terrain and pursue their outdoor activities with ease with friends and family.
Increasing storage capacity is a huge thing, most 4x4s struggle fitting all the camping gear in the car, so fitting up a tub rack kit will give you extra storage on top and below the tub rack base kit.
Wide range of accessories and mounting and mounting options available, users can customize their tub rack to suit their specific needs and preferences including adding extra lights or even awnings for sun shade.
To conclude, the 4×4 tub rack represents a versatile and indispensable accessory for outdoor enthusiasts and off road adventures alike. Tub Racks have a robust construction, modular design and numerous features makes it well suited for variety of applications. If you’re interested in a tub rack base kit, make sure you inquire with Custom Outfitters Australia today.